Exclusive Interview with Tony Watson

About Tony Watson
Interview date: December 7, 2015
If everything would be possible (waking the dead included) , which two people should sing the ultimate country duet?
~ a. Elvis and Reba McIntyre
What song you ever recorded means the most to you and why?
~ My Still Small Voice.
Why; because it has to do with the plight of the Homeless, Helpless and displaced folks of the world. I am praying that this song will generate money that we can use to make that difference.
Who would you like to write a song for you?
~ James Taylor! He’s The Man!
Whisky wine beer or …?
~ Carbonated water I make myself out of filtered water from my farm.
Give us one country song you never want to hear on radio anymore and tell us why.
~ I Can’t Stop Loving You, By; Don Gibson.
My mother and sister played this song so much on a 45 that it started to get under my skin. Opted for blue suede shoes.
What is the question interviewers never seem to ask you and…you wish they would? (Please provide your answer as well.)
~ What is my favorite song?
Handy Man, By; James Taylor
Describe the ultimate recording studio (not the technique but the facilities)
~ Omni Studio Nashville.
The equipment for productions is state of the art; equipment and acoustics are some of the best in the world. Not to mention the availability of some of the greatest studio musicians on the planet are there. Biggest bonus is the ability to have the best producers money can buy.
Johnny or June ?
~ a. Johnny; as many folks compare my stage appearance to his best choice in clothing to mine.
Are you still nervous before going on stage and if so, do you use any “rituals” to calm you nerves.
~ Of course I am reeved up before I go on stage.
I always remind myself that I have to do my best as most of the people paid to see me perform, therefore I should only give them my very best.
What was the most memorable day in your musical career and tell us why.
~ This one is easy. The second week in November 2015 is the AMG Heritage Awards. As a member I always attend.
This year I was nominated for three awards, Song Of The Year, Music Video Of The Year and Male Vocalist Of The Year
I am now an official Receipient of a Heritage Award for Music Video Of The Year, Tony Watson’s, Down The Interstate.

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